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He helps me take the next step upward. 
He reminds me that I have horns to set clear boundaries. 
He climbs with me, not ahead of me. 
His voice is gentle and assertive. 
He teaches me to take the moral high ground. 
He teaches me to focus on the next step when I’m nervous. 

He loves me unconditionally. 
He teaches me delayed gratification. 
He teaches me how to be safe from predators. 
He invites me to explore. 
He corrects me without shaming me. 
He keeps his cool when I lose mine. 

He teaches me to balance work and play. 
He doesn’t pass judgment when I stumble. 
He climbs with me high above dangerous predators. 
He teaches me to tune out the voices of past predators. 
He is patient and allows me to climb at my own pace. 
He challenges me to climb above my comfort zone. 

He teaches me to stand my ground. 
He teaches me to grow thick skin and fur. 
He teaches me to be patient with those who struggle with their rocky climbs. 
He gently leads me to climb down from my head to my heart – a scary journey. 
He helps me speak truth to family secrets. 
He teaches me to courageously climb after peace and truth. 

He lets me scream at the predators who are far below me. 
He encourages me to find goat friends to climb with me. 
He celebrates my small ascents. 
He knows that small elevation gains lead to big elevation gains. 
He encourages me to practice physical fitness. 
He leads me away from the gorge of all-or-nothing thinking. 

He encourages me to climb in spite of past misadventures. 
He reminds me of how high I’ve already climbed. 
He teaches me to balance adventure and reasonable caution. 
He shows me I am stronger than I think. 
He is the parent I have needed all these years. 
Thank you, inner loving mountain goat. 

– Healing Heart Warrior

Tom M.

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