Recently, at the ACA Regional Event in Boca Raton, Florida, members from the Strengthening My Recovery Meditation Meeting (WEB0120) had a chance to gather together.
For years, these friends had only seen each other on a screen - as live videos, as avatars or simply as a name. Now the experience was face-to-face. Just imagine all the various fears and feelings that can arise with stepping forward and saying, “Hi, I know you from Strengthening My Recovery …”
In this two-part essay, those feelings are explored. Here, some members share their experiences:
Jim R:
I was nervous. I was meeting a dear, intimate friend for the first time… weird. We worked our recovery together. Supported our meeting together. Even had a huge fight in the midst of it all, and yet we had never met. Of course, my first thoughts - vanity… that lockdown layer applied to my waist is still with me. Acceptance. What if it’s awkward, with nothing to say? Acceptance.
All of that melted away as we shared a long-lasting embrace. What’s more, we stole away from the early arrivals who were dining together and instead, had a stroll on the beach and dinner for two. A perfect prequel to the Event to come.
My one challenge, which I’ve always had - remembering names. This awkwardness is a little more pronounced when you're face-to-face. Acceptance.
Beth L:
I was anxious about seeing people but arriving - that anxiety evaporated, replaced with curiosity and interest and warmth. I felt a great familiarity with the people I'd seen at the morning Zoom meeting. It was nice to simply experience the face-to-face interactions, looking into people's eyes.
A favorite conference moment was walking into the non-dominant handwriting workshop - already in progress. People were deep into the experience. The room was full, yet very quiet. As I sat down, feeling comforted and relaxed, I thought, “This whole room is together to find healing, just like I am.” During the exercise, and throughout the weekend, I felt comfortable crying.
I met new people, experiencing a high level of trust with most everyone. On Saturday, unbelievably exhausted, I sat in a comfy chair, rested my eyes, and briefly fell asleep. I probably fell into familiar (possibly unhealthy) patterns of relating. It’s not like I was perfect, or anyone was perfect, but being together, in real life, was a comforting, beautiful experience.
I found myself wishing that it would not end. I look forward to the next time. I looked at the overall group in attendance - a large variety of beautiful self-expression; a healthy gathering of focused, interesting, and inclusive people. I was happy to be a part. I feel proud. My confidence is boosted by being a part of this fellowship.
Boaz S:
For JR.
When I entered ACA you, truly, were a phenomenon.
In time I entered service, way too soon perhaps, but maybe not.
I wanted to be friends, yet didn’t know how to love without hurting.
There you are, coming through the door.
I reach up and hold your face in my hands.
Our eyes meet in the fierceness of presence.
Next, we’re in my truck, I listen as you navigate... to the ocean.
Together we figure out the fancy parking meter, pull off our shoes and head to
the edge of the earth.
Ocean soaks our rolled-up pants. My soul basks in the sound of your voice-
not on a computer but right next to me, my sibling.
While Mama ocean whispers, her blue/green lullaby, in the background.
BonnieLee M:
Going to the event in Boca Raton was my first time ‘live’ in ACA.
My recovery has been exclusively online. Fear of not being safe has kept me isolated as much as my fear of triggers… basically other humans.
My experience was so healing. Doing workshops with strangers and feeling safe, heard, and loved has been life altering. Meeting and hugging folks from my daily SMR morning meeting was quite special. My HP gave me the strength I needed.
What happens in Boca…
Happily, it doesn’t stay in Boca. The richness of our magical moments together has stayed with us, even in our return to our daily virtual ACA experience. And as amazing as these experiences were, the most amazing coincidence has yet to be expressed. In Part 2, you will hear from Annie, the founder of the Strengthening My Recovery meditation meeting - who just happened to be at the Boca event!
Jim R