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I can’t hear you,

we’re so far apart.

I don’t understand you;

no common ground.

In this place of anger,

all I hear is judgement, 

blame and condemnation.

I feel great pain,

knowing I can’t hear you,

and that you can’t hear me.

The agony of not 

understanding, nor being understood.

I cringe as the pain takes hold,

and feel myself retreating 

into the dark, hidden recesses of my psyche.

In the darkness,

a strangely familiar 

voice whispers,

beckoning me from the darkness,

at least a little.

This voice, my sweet Self

assures me that it hears, 

understands me.

The frozen furrowed brow of anger

dissolves into 

the softening tears of compassion.

I acknowledge, gratefully, 

that I am in a new place,

one of utterly complete acceptance,

of love and equanimity. 

Slowly, I begin to hear another voice,

faintly at first

then, gradually, loudly and clearly.

I hear your voice

and begin to notice 

all that it contains.

Not the words;

they deceive.

Rather, the essence;

the agony of separation, 

and the ecstasy of reunion.

As this hearing, 

this perception, 

this reception

expands, deepens

I begin to understand.

Gradually, as I stay, 

just stay, here, 

here at Home, 

understanding emerges

And with it, 

great joy and gratitude.

At last,

judgement transforms into compassion,

distance into closeness,

misunderstanding into one unified voice.

Chaz B.

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