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Use your brain, that's why God gave it to you.
How many times do I have to repeat myself?
Who do you think you are?
What did I tell you to do?
Why aren't you doing that yet?
What's between your ears? Air?
You don't ever listen!
Here we go again!
Do as I say, not as I do.
What happened to your hair? You look a mess.
I told you so!
I'll give you something to cry about!
Don't ask me! Figure it out!
Do as you are told.
You are going on a diet. I am not buying you any new clothes.
You need to work out.
Get over yourself!
What's funny?
It's all in your head.
Don't flatter yourself.
You can do better than that.
What else were you expecting?
Close your mouth or I will close it for you!
You haven't had the right man yet.
No one cares!

Connection to Recovery:
Listing all of these old tapes from childhood gives me insight on how I currently speak to myself and why. The tapes have been engrained in my mind, body, and soul for decades. Once my parents/caregivers were no longer living or in my life, I picked up the baton. All these things were never true about me. They were projections thrown at me. I still struggle on a daily basis believing they are not true. With the help of my Higher Power, fellows, and this program, I am learning new ways to address myself and all my parts in a more loving, caring, and safe way. I am beginning to see with clearer lenses. I no longer have to be my biggest critic. I can become my biggest cheerleader!

Tamara P

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