An interesting opportunity has recently arisen for me
To travel somewhere special and explore something
Long-time on my bucket list.
That interesting opportunity has started a war in me
Between the nasty Negative-Nancy, doubting-Debbie-Downer,
That is my critical parent voice
And the angry, resentful and very recklessly determined
Inner teenager, who is getting more and more enraged
By the constant negativity.
What I have now realized is that my inner child has escaped
And climbed up in that tree that used to be her sanctuary
When all hell was breaking loose.
What was nowhere to be found in those horrid times of old
Was a loving, caring parent who was around to keep me safe
And protect that little girl.
What this interesting opportunity has brought up for me to see
Is there’s still no loving parent to shut down that ugly voice
And help my inner teen...
So this interesting opportunity has taken a different turn -
It’s forced me to realize this in an opportunity
For yet more ACA recovery!
Marion M