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How often I have heard
that someone has it worse.
With eight billion people,
this statement is certainly true.

Yet this truth denies my truth –
that my trauma is real –
that my health was endangered –
that my sanity was at risk.

I grew up with domestic violence.
Others have been violated more severely.
My trauma is still my trauma.
And my heart still bleeds.

I was deceived in a religious church/cult.
Others have been burned worse.
Still, their betrayal gutted me.
I was left alone and in despair.

My need for hope and healing
is not lessened by another’s pain.
I still need a friend,
someone who will hear.

I lost my brother to suicide.
Others have lost multiple loved ones.
My heart was crushed beyond crushing.
My heart-quake could not be expressed.

How thankful I am that I found a group,
others who understood suicide grief.
I didn’t want to fit in,
but I knew I belonged.

I was hit by a car.
Others have been hit – and hospitalized.
I was “lucky” – no major injuries,
but my knees still needed to heal.

If I broke a bone and went to a doctor,
would he tell me that he’s seen worse?
Would he not treat the injury 
and help make me whole?

Please, do not analyze or compare my pain.
That would only inform me that you are deaf,
that you are unable to feel,
that you do not have a heart.

Please, do not diminish my pain.
Do not minimize my suffering.
I need a friend, one who will listen,
one who will walk with me – even through hell.

Please, do not judge my trauma.
I don’t need a judge.
I need to be touched –
by a human heart.

Yes, the suffering of others is real,
but does nothing to relieve my pain.
Who will walk with me?
Who will listen with a heart?

– Healing Heart Warrior (Tom M.)

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