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To daddy-Monster: 
I reject the voice of violence. 
I choose to listen to the voices 
of peace and love and progress and growth. 

To my mother: 
You misdirected your legitimate anger 
towards me and my brothers. 
You drowned your resentments in alcohol. 

I remember your support 
when I was very young. 
But the years of domestic violence 
have made you bitter. 

I am not your punching bag. 
I will not accept the blame 
for what others have done. 
I will not absorb your ridicule. 

I will not carry your verbal abuse 
to the next generation. 
I will not transport your denial beyond you. 
I will stand up for my Truth. 

To the nuns in catholic school: 
I remember your big sticks 
and your verbal abuse. 
You ruled the classroom with fear. 

Long ago, I rejected your shame 
and your intimidation tactics. 
Instead, I choose to listen 
to nurturing voices. 

To the church that love-bombed me 
in my late teenage years. 
You provided the structure 
I desperately needed. 

I gave you my heart. 
You trampled my heart 
with your control and manipulations 
and judgments and condemnations. 

I am done with your hatred. 
I am done with the judgmental sludge. 
I have chosen to pursue 
inward peace and wholeness. 

To my inner critical parent: 
I hear your shattered heart. 
You did the best you could 
with what you knew at the time. 

You rejected daddy-Monster’s voice 
and listened to other critical voices. 
You helped lead us to: Survival. 
You helped keep us relatively safe. 

Today, we travel further: 
I am your captain; 
you are now a passenger. 

Any concern you have, bring it to me. 
I will listen to our whole inner family. 
I will do my best to keep us safe. 
I will do my best to help us grow. 

I have discovered our heart – 
battered and ignored for too long. 
I will love and nurture our inner children. 
I will make mid-course corrections as necessary. 

Together, we travel to a new land, 
a land of growth and adventure, 
a land of loving discipline – 
far, far away from past monsters. 

– Healing Heart Warrior (Tom M.)

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