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Feelings And Buried Memories

Feelings And Buried Memories

. . . will return. I’m learning the check-in process and understanding the value in feeling and healing. The anger and helplessness I so skillfully tucked away in my childhood is unfolding as my Inner Child responds to my love for her, my Teenager trusts me, and my...
***** On The Downbeat

***** On The Downbeat

I rush around the house, frantically getting homework done, and preparing for high school band practice. I play french horn in this band, piano in the dance band, and bells in the marching band. The September concert date is coming soon. My stomach is in upheaval. I...
Spiritual Experience

Spiritual Experience

The baby donkey brayed and kicked up its heels in the deep lush grass. Her mom quietly watched, clearly, but slyly, on guard for any dangers that could arise. She was seemingly unfazed by the rambunctious youngster. The dad munched contentedly in the open field...
Authority Figures

Authority Figures

(This essay and share is based on the July 21 daily meditation on abuse from authority figures found in “Strengthening My Recovery”) As a recovering adult child of an alcoholic and survivor of childhood emotional and sexual abuse, I developed a fear of authority...
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