Our fellowship text, Adult Children of Alcoholics, often referred to as the Big Red Book, was first published in 2006. Its price was $15 then, and it is still $15 today. The ACA World Service Organization (WSO) has never raised prices on any of its literature. The WSO is increasing the price of the BRB, as well as some other printed literature, for the first time in 16 years. Why? As outlined by the Board of Trustees in a February 12 teleconference, there are six important factors:
- The cost of printing has increased substantially, particularly during the pandemic. ACA has experienced record cost increases in recent printing quotes. ACA currently cannot print in the U.S. because its paper supplier closed, which will increase shipping and storage costs.
- Warehouse book storage costs are increasing by 54% in 2022.
- Inflation has risen to the point where a $15 book in 2006 would cost $21 today.
- Book sales make up more than 80% of the WSO budget. 7th tradition contributions are drastically lower in ACA than in other 12-step fellowships. For example, AA gets 45% of its annual budget from contributions. WSO cannot meet the needs of a growing worldwide fellowship without substantially cutting expenses unless it finds additional revenue.
- A survey was prepared and sent out to the Fellowship and 176 responses were received. It is evident from the results of the survey that a large majority of those responding support an immediate book price increase to a level at least equivalent to the current prices in today’s dollars.
- Increasing book prices will help offset cost increases and inflation, enabling ACA to meet the needs of an expanding worldwide fellowship.
Based on all these factors, the WSO Finance Committee prepared the following motion which was unanimously adopted by the Board of Trustees:
MOTION: The prices for the following list of hard-cover and soft-cover ACA books and workbooks shall be set in US dollars at www.shop.adultchildren.org as indicated below with the effective date of June 1, 2022.
ACA Fellowship Text (big red book), hard cover | $21.00 |
ACA Fellowship Text (big red book), soft cover | $20.00 |
Twelve Steps of Adult Children (yellow workbook) | $14.00 |
Strengthening My Recovery (hard cover) | $14.00 |
Strengthening My Recovery (soft cover) | $12.00 |
The Laundry Lists Workbook | $14.00 |
In order not to create issues for local group sales, WSO will increase its Amazon prices proportionately to allow the groups to maintain a pricing advantage.
It is important to point out that we have not forgotten that we are a global fellowship. We are currently investigating how to support different parts of the world where the economy looks completely different than in North America. The Finance Committee works closely with the Publishing Committee on these issues. In considering the prices for ACA literature, we look, among other things at:
- Payment ability as a result of the economic situation in each country
- Translated literature
- New distribution centers due to high shipping costs
- Other impact factors for worldwide members
WSO Finance Committee