I served as my family's rubber band... keeping it all together despite how far I stretched myself.
There I was, a supple little loop; one end stretched to keep my Dad inside, the other around my Mom to keep her from falling apart. I strained and folded, bent and changed because they were children that I had to keep inside. Keep in line. Keep happy.
I did my best to keep them from fighting but what power does a rubber band really have? I stretched and pulled with all my might, but it wasn't enough -– I wasn't enough. No one was happy.
It was here my sickness took root. They kept fighting, using their little rubber band as leverage to pop, snap, and create small whelps on each other. I was the weapon... and I didn't even know it.
Now I know, their battles were not mine to fight…
Now I know, I am powerless over their unhappiness…
Now I know, I should not have been used as a vessel for marital war…
Now I know that I am much more than the purpose they used me for…
Now, I am caring for myself and no one will use me as a mere piece of kitchen junk ever again. I will wrap myself up tightly in the safety and love I have for myself. Rubber band for others, no more.
Shanna D