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ComLine Blog

Expect new ComLine articles the 1st and 15th of each month.

My Spiritual Experience

Start with the courage to let go of what and whom I cannot change. I let it go and I feel It, what some of us choose to call God. When I surrender instead of “fixating” on things, places, circumstances and people I am unable to “fix”, my mind gains the necessary space...

Inventory – Dreaded Inventory

A searching and fearless moral inventory? With lots of fear and trepidation. I don’t like the word fearless; it’s not true. I’ll use the word courageous instead. Whose inventory? Those who harmed me? After all, they are at fault. My parents, my coworkers, the toxic...

Grape Hyacinths

When my father sold the family home after her death I found the rusty trowel in the garage, duga few from the front yard and dropped them into a plastic bag. We lived on Willow Drive back then and when I openly wished for a willow tree for the front yard I only heard...

Why Our Group Uses a Timer for Our Member Shares

Through the years we had experiences where some people frequently dominated the meeting by taking more than what would be considered their fair share of time during the personal sharing portion. It was always our intent to provide the opportunity to share to everyone...

We want your feedback about the new ComLine Blog

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*All ComLine pictures are either in the public domain or are used with permission.  ComLine authors do not appear in any picture in this blog.

**The content of items published on this blog reflect only the opinions of the author. They do not reflect the views of ACA, the ACA World Services Organization, the WSO Literature Committee, or the ComLine Blog Subcommittee.


The ComLine Blog has added a new category for submissions to the blog. The new category is “Newcomer Resources”. We invite ACA members to submit shares and other content they feel will be of particular benefit to those who are new to the ACA program of recovery.


Posting of comments by readers on newly-published individual ComLine Blog submissions is now enabled for a trial period of up to six months. These comments will be visible to members of the ComLine Blog Subcommittee, but will not be made public during this trial period. The Subcommittee will use information collected to prepare a possible recommendation to make such comments publicly available to authors and readers of the blog.
We invite readers to leave comments on new blog submissions, but the ability to leave comments on submissions published before 1 July 2024 is not enabled. We also invite comments as to whether you feel allowing reader comments and making them public would or would not be a good feature for the ComLine Blog to add. Just click on “Submit Feedback” in the right sidebar.

Remplacements et métamorphose

Remplacements et métamorphose

Il y a longtemps, ma mère biologique racontait une histoire-énigme : « Pierre avait un couteau. La lame a cassé, alors il a changé la lame. Le manche a cassé, alors il a changé le manche. Tout a été remplacé. Est-ce toujours le couteau de Pierre ? » J’étais...

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I realized lately that my parents did not have friends when I was growing up.Their relationship was adversarial at best. No modeling of a loving relationship, or modeling about having friends. No wonder I have had some difficulties with those! I moved...

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Hands and Disconnection

Hands and Disconnection

I was left-handed and wrote letters mirror image until my dad shamed me about that, then I turned them around, of course, to please him.Letters seemed to be the first experience where Left or Right mattered.I was given special scissors by my dadscissors...

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Les courtes vies importent aussi

Les courtes vies importent aussi

Au décours de mes recherches transgénérationnelles, j’ai eu à examiner mon vécu in utero, comme répétition du vécu in utero d’autres bébés de la famille. Quand une femme enceinte subit un traumatisme (mort subite d’un proche, viol, violence conjugale, départ soudain...

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Submission Policy

We welcome blog submissions of articles and other content from ACA members.
To keep this blog a safe place, before submitting an article or other content please read our submission policy

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Posting of comments for others to see is disabled, but we encourage you to provide feedback by clicking on the “Submit Feedback” button below.

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Authors List

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