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Mother Wounds

Mother Wounds

This is a poem I wrote to my mother. I have had no contact with her for 3 years. As I have been grieving the loss of my childhood and coming to the realization that I never really had a “mother”, poetry has been one way for me to express my grief. Before coming to...
Walk With Me

Walk With Me

Before and during my recovery, many would try to “fix” me, to “help” me, to straighten me out. Some came from a place of dominance; others were well-intentioned. But they didn’t connect with my heart; they didn’t hear my internal ache. Many wanted me to wear a plastic...
Thank You For Your Service

Thank You For Your Service

It’s like puppies in a basket,hunkered down for warmth,happy to be joined togetherin common purpose.Then, a puppy wakes, jumpsout of the basket, startssniffing at the floor, beginsto race around the room.Another puppy startles, seeswhat looks like independenceand...


One day I woke up and said, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”.  I admitted I was powerless and my life had become unmanageable. I found safe enough people to share my story with, and by letting my truths hit the air, my true healing began. There is power in feeling heard and...
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