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A Proposal Review Opportunity

by | Oct 1, 2022 | ComLine, Fellowship News

Through the proposal process, groups suggest ideas to benefit the worldwide ACA fellowship. Each proposal can become an issue, to be voted on by ACA groups globally. The results of the polling help set the agenda for the Annual Business Conference (ABC). 

If your group has submitted a proposal…

After submitting a proposal (on or before September 30th), your group has the opportunity to review, rewrite, and resubmit the proposal by October 31st. The month of October offers an opportunity for revision or clarification, assisted by the Ballot Prep Committee (BPC).

The BPC contacts all the submitting groups.

First, proposals are evaluated to see if they meet the standard of global relevance. Groups submitting Issues that could be resolved by an intergroup or region will be directed to other resources to address their proposal ideas.

Proposals are also assessed for understanding. If the writing is vague or could be misinterpreted, groups will be contacted for clarification.  

BPC may also contact the submitting group to suggest introducing their proposal directly to an appropriate World Service Organization (WSO) committee. This could provide action without going through the proposal process. 

Sometimes multiple proposals, from 2 or more entities, ask the fellowship to address the same issue. The wording may not be exactly the same, yet we ask the submitting groups if they would consider combining their individual proposals into one. We make this request in the hopes of streamlining and expediting the ABC agenda. 

Any redraft of a proposal must be resubmitted by October 31st.

If your group has NOT submitted a proposal…

Participation in the proposal process continues. In November your group will learn of opportunities to help with translating ballot proposals. In the new year, there will be the chance to learn more about the proposals directly from the submitting groups. And, in February, voting will begin on whether the proposals should be placed on the ABC agenda for consideration.

What’s more, If you and your group are inspired by the process, and have an idea that could be of interest to a WSO committee, you may reach out to them directly at any time. You could choose to begin that journey by attending a WSO Board monthly teleconference, which is open to all members. Find more information at: Additional information may be found at our website,, or write to us at [email protected].

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