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Spotlight On The WSO Board: Charlie H.

by | Jun 1, 2023 | ComLine, Fellowship News

Charlie H. is from Falls Church, Virginia, USA. He has served as a WSO Trustee since 2016 and Board Chairperson between 2019 and 2022. He has stepped down from the Board of Trustees at the end of his term of service after the 2023 ABC. In this interview, we learn more about Charlie H., his experience as a WSO Board member, and his advice to members about serving on the Board.

Q: How many years have you been in ACA?

CHARLIE: I joined ACA in 1986 and have been actively involved since then, so it’s been 37 years. My wife Robin, whom I met in 1994 through Twelve Step programs, has been an active ACA member since 1983, so she has seniority in our house!

Q: What ACA service did you do before becoming a Trustee?

CHARLIE: Until 2015, all my service work was local - sponsoring, helping at meetings, etc. An ACA intergroup formed in 2015 in my area, and I jumped in. Before becoming a Trustee, I was a member of the WSO Service Structure Committee and Chairperson of the Literature Evaluation Subcommittee.

Q: Why did you want to join the Board of Trustees?

CHARLIE: It started with a talk I gave at the 2015 Annual Business Conference. After 30+ years of recovery, I really wanted to help ACA newcomers by increasing information about sponsorship and creating new literature tailored to newcomer needs. I also saw a chance to work on ACA’s administration and governance, such as expanding the role of rank-and-file members in the Annual Business Conference and WSO

Q: What are your favorite things about being a Board member?

CHARLIE: In addition to being able to make a lasting difference in a world recovery community, being on the Board has significantly helped my personal growth. Every day, I see the Traditions and other program principles applied in our work. I also really appreciate all the people I’ve met and gotten to know. The Board members are a wonderful group of adult children in recovery. Even when we disagree, we usually reach resolution amicably.  

Q: What challenges have you faced on the Board, especially as Chairperson?

CHARLIE: The biggest challenge I’ve faced has been dealing with authority issues among ACA’s and building trust with members who feel frustrated or unhappy with WSO’s direction. When I’ve been triggered by comments directed to me, I’ve tried to use the program to really hear what they are saying, repair damage, and make amends when appropriate. The program has improved my communication and social skills in this regard.

Q: How do you balance work and Board service?

CHARLIE: It’s a challenge, but not an impossible challenge. I’m a career journalist but I currently work full time in the public affairs office of a federal department. I try to build several blocks into my week when I am not doing ACA service. Except in very rare situations, I do not do service on Sundays. I try to block my evening WSO calls into Tuesdays and Thursdays, and keep all other evenings for my personal life. The one stretch that was genuinely tough was when I served as Board Chair. I essentially worked six-day weeks, which is more than many people would want to take on. But things have calmed down a great deal in the last year since I left the Chair position. The Board has become much more conscious about reducing the workload, and we adopted a policy that Trustees should take a month off from ACA service every year to maintain a healthy balance between all aspects of their lives. Obviously, Board service is less of a challenge for someone who doesn’t have a full-time job, but my wife Robin and I have made it work. 

Q: How do you practice self-care and have fun?

CHARLIE: For self-care, I walk regularly and have lots of mini-meetings with Robin. We do a reading and talk about our days in the context of the program. I’m a bit of a homebody and enjoy the routine of domestic duties. I’m able to compartmentalize when I’m overwhelmed and focus on “one thing at a time, one day at a time.” For fun, I love free-floating conversations with friends and family, especially Robin, watching old movies, and rooting for the Boston Celtics. One of my biggest gains from ACA has been to stay committed to my inner child’s happiness and safety. That keeps the rest of me happy and safe and strengthens my loving parent!  

Q: How have you grown since being on the Board?

CHARLIE: I’ve learned how to deal with conflict with emotional sobriety – standing in my own space and still hearing what others are saying. I’ve learned how to “accept the things I cannot change” in WSO while still doing my best to change the things I can. I’ve really experienced the power of the group conscience and higher power, strengthening my overall faith in the process.

Q: What would you tell others who are considering applying to the Board?

CHARLIE: I would encourage anyone who is eligible to apply, or at least to consider it. This has been one of the most meaningful experiences in my life, ranking right up there with fatherhood and marriage, and has resulted in some of my most significant accomplishments. I stepped up to serve as a Trustee because I was ready to help WSO, and right now WSO needs your help, especially if you are a member of an under-represented group. You’ll need a strategy for balancing work and service; be ready to set healthy boundaries; be prepared to deal with conflict; be patient; be able to face your self-doubts and understand that you have gifts, talents, and experience. You will also need to make sure that you can still meet your own personal needs and take care of your inner child.

Charlie H. is available to talk with anyone interested in serving on the Board of Trustees. He can be reached through the Nominating Committee at [email protected].

Suzi B.

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