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Bridge of Light

Bridge of Light

The space between “Me” and “I am”Is the place where wrong meets don’t belong.Self and identity, privileges deniedI struggle to breathe and learn to hide. Here on the shore of a foreign seaBuried treasure revealed at low tide sweepStarving gull pecks at scraps and...


                nearing the restaurant I hear                 the boys passing                on bicycles speaking        beautiful Spanish entering                 i see a lot of people                              not prizing some invisible seed of potential        ...


Living with a volcano….He provides for us.He keeps us well fed, terrified,emotionally famished. The volcano explodesoften and unpredictably.Then just as suddenly,an eerie calm as if nothing happened. When will the volcano erupt?There’s no way to know.It just...
The Dawning Of You

The Dawning Of You

Shattering silent stillness, heavy dark night Brilliant morning spills over a crisp horizon                Spiritual awe-ache-ening Gawking griefstreaked shockO, Unnameable One,             quiet, timeless Presence, it was always You.Merciful firmament                ...
I Met Grief In A Dewdrop

I Met Grief In A Dewdrop

I first wrote this poem on December 24th, 2004, as a response to childhood experiences when I remembered how I fled to the natural safety of the fields and flowers after I was cruelly beaten for minor disobediences. Initially I used the word ‘GOD’ as the key word in...


Oh the delights of a renaissance man!One who shares such talents and toolsUnexpected in their wide divergenceFree from social norms and rules The hippie who embroidered daisiesWherever he found tears in his clothesThen stained glass called to his artistKaleidoscopes...
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