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Thicket of Idols/ Children of Light

Thicket of Idols/ Children of Light

They were lifted up,Idols of a past best forgotten,But ingrained within the body,My spirit kept score. Idolatry,Prestige and focus drawn to an idol,Larger than little me,Ready to be smashed across my back, Overflowing current of suffering,The idolization of Anger by...
Truth & Denial

Truth & Denial

Truth, the ugly Truth. The violence of generations. Too painful to bear. Locked tightly away in a “safe” room. Do not open that door! No one wants to know. Squander the years away – in feigned ignorance. The door cracks open and...
An Interesting Opportunity

An Interesting Opportunity

An interesting opportunity has recently arisen for meTo travel somewhere special and explore somethingLong-time on my bucket list.That interesting opportunity has started a war in meBetween the nasty Negative-Nancy, doubting-Debbie-Downer,That is my critical parent...
My father…

My father…

My father was a Rage-a-holic, verbally and physically abusive, and more…Drama “King” is an understatement.He seemed to derive pleasure from inflicting pain and humiliation on the rest of us. As a child I could not stand up to this man… Had to put up with this “bully”...


I’ve had enough of foodAnd the way it makes me feelA necessary evil, at once requiredBut not enough to heal. A simple joy served upOne fist after anotherWould it be too much to ask…No, I shouldn’t even bother. The weight adds upThe pain compoundedJust a little more...
The Fireplace

The Fireplace

I am made of red brick, with a smoke patinafrom when I decide to belch smoke back into the housejust for fun. The girl in this house, she loves me.She loves to lay on the floor, watching the colors in the fire.Sometimes adding little wax color pots, she makes in egg...
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