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The Selfish Empty Nest

The Selfish Empty Nest

Seventeen years spent on the family farm. Home from school to the shock of my room packed on the porch.  My baby book, framed pictures of perfectly posed horses, trophies and ribbons, horse magazines with my name inside, plaid button up shirts on hangers, my well...
Better Things To Do

Better Things To Do

Back in the Spring of ‘52There was Mom waiting for youLittle did I know you left me tooYou were leaving for better things to do Then in the Spring of ‘54Our family of three now became fourBut you were leavingOut the doorBetter things just like before And on it went...


One day I woke up and said, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”.  I admitted I was powerless and my life had become unmanageable. I found safe enough people to share my story with, and by letting my truths hit the air, my true healing began. There is power in feeling heard and...
Film Review: West Side Story

Film Review: West Side Story

I was in Junior High School in 1961, when the first film version of West Side Story was released. I recall my school chorus sang “Tonight, Tonight” for an audience of admiring families. Most of us had not been touched by first love, to say nothing of gang wars,...
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