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Too Late

Too Late

I’m in trouble. Again. Was I too loud? Did I say something wrong? I can’t recall. I try desperately to remember.  Maybe, if I figure it out, I can say I’m sorry before it’s too late. Suddenly, my mother kicks me under the metal-rimmed restaurant table. A sharp,...
Alien Invader

Alien Invader

Twenty-four years old: Someone treats me with contempt. Someone views me as worthless. Someone disrespects me. A bureaucrat treats me as an object – a thing to be discarded. Anger churns within. Without thinking, I retaliate. A...
Quatre postures

Quatre postures

1. CoupableIl y a longtemps, je suis sortie de mon déni matrimonial : mes rêves de maternité ne se réaliseraient jamais, je n’étais guère qu’une cocue risible, il devenait urgent d’abandonner mon bénévolat idéaliste, trouver un vrai boulot, apprendre à vivre par...
Open To Receive

Open To Receive

Early in my recovery, I thought if I could just figure out a way to remove all of the defects that I perceived in myself, I would be able to live a happier life. Accepting that I had experienced trauma in my early life was easier for me than figuring out what to “do”...


Insights are a blessing. Catching on to how I’ve done my best—however silly that may look now, looking back, preparing myself to complete Step Five—isn’t that a breeze that lifts my kite! If I am honest, really honest, my heart is filled to overflowing with—of all...
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